General Description - Aim

The Program of Postgraduate Studies (PPS) entitled “Adolescent Medicine and Adolescent Health Care”, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, includes the design and development of a comprehensive program on Adolescent Medicine-Adolescent Health Care. The PPS is based on the World Health Organization's call for prioritization and special emphasis on health promotion during adolescence, with the aim of curbing morbidity indicators in young adulthood.

The aim of PPS is threefold and consists in understanding and dealing with the multifaceted physical, mental, cognitive and developmental problems of adolescents, in promoting knowledge and research in the field of Adolescent Medicine and Adolescent Health Care and in developing strategies for planning, organizing, creating and operation of health service structures suitable for teenagers.

The object of the PPS is interdisciplinary, post-graduate education, the promotion of knowledge and the development of research in the field of Adolescent Medicine and Adolescent Health Care. More specifically, the PPS focuses on understanding the specificities of adolescence, on promoting the holistic approach to adolescents, on framing, organizing, operating, evaluating and coordinating health services for adolescents, and finally on the active participation of trainees in scientific research and the writing of papers with an academic structure and content.